The Experience page summarizes my professional journey as a web developer. With over 2 years of experience, I have worked with various technologies such as JavaScript, React, Next.js, Laravel, and Node.js. Each role I have held provides insights into my contributions to previous projects, as well as the skills and achievements I have attained. Explore further to see how my experience can add value to your projects.
PT OS Selnajaya Indonesia
/ 1 year 1 month
Develop web apps for internal company
Dicoding Indonesia
/ 4 months
Become a fasilitator or mentor for scholarship participants at intermediate level react developer from IDCamp Dicoding
PT Solarion Energi Alam
/ 1 year 6 months
Build and develop apps to monitoring solar panel named PV Monitoring System by SOLARION
Dicoding Indonesia
/ 6 months
Become a fasilitator or mentor for scholarship participants at intermediate and expert level react developer from IDCamp Dicoding
CV Newus Teknologi
/ 5 months
Develop websites both frontend and backend according to client needs. Some of the websites that I have created are Sistem Informasi Tata Ruang Lampung Utara (Simtaru Lampura), PPDB SMA Perintis 2 and fix bug website SOP Kabupaten Mahakam Ulu.
PT Banopolis Inovasi Kendara
/ 2 months
Develop UI website dashboard admin of Jaramba apps. I develope using figma, bootstrap, and sweetalert. This application serves to monitor the location of the bus that is running. In addition to storing route data, drivers, buses and bus travel history.